Elgin Industries is a Tier One supplier of original equipment engine and chassis components to Chrysler, Deere & Company, Ford, General Motors, Harley-Davidson, Mack, Navistar and other leading global engine and vehicle manufacturers.
Our OE portfolio includes king pins, piston pins, push rods, and other precision-engineered parts. All Elgin products for the original equipment market are designed and manufactured in the U.S.A.
Key capabilities:
- CNC Machining
- Multi-axis lathes up to 63mm bar fed or 200 mm blank diameter
- Chuckers up to 150mm diameter and 100mm length
- Swiss style 32mm machines
- Drill and tap machines
- High speed cold saws
- High Speed End Pointers
- Inline Automated Tube Reducing Mill
- Vertical Flat Broaching
- Heavy Duty Band Saw
- Centerless Grinding
- Through-feed centerless from 6mm to 90mm holding +/- .0012 mm
- In-feed centerless from 6mm to 90mm x 300mm holding +/- .0025 mm
- Inline laser marking
- Heat Treating
- Continuous and batch type carburizing, carbonitriding, hardening, tempering
- Cryogenic and “Super Cryogenic” batch furnace
- High speed induction scanning
- State-of-the-art control systems